IDF Confiscates Literature Inciting to Terror

Israel news:

IDF cleans out 2 Arab universities from literature inciting to terror: The Al-Quds University and the Bir Zayit University both had printing presses full of material inciting to terror, posters flags and announcement flyers calling to harm Jews. In addition 8 wanted men were arrested for assaulting security forces and civilians and participating in terror activities.

Ma’aynei Hayeshua Senior Cardiologist knocked off motor bike is miraculously unharmed: The doctor was giving right away to a pedestrian crossing right near the hospital when a taxi cab hit him and sent him flying. The footage was actually caught on the hospital cameras and the entire staff was happy to see the doctor unharmed walking into the emergency room just for a checkup. The pedestrian crossing was also hit but also unharmed. Hospital assistant head Dr. Menachem Brier said that ‘this cardiologist saves lives so G-d looked out for him’.

Diezengoff Center Security guard threatens Chabad Rabbi not to light Hanukkah candles in the mall: Y-Net reported that a crowd was already gathered for the candle lighting ceremony when the guard said to ‘get rid of the criminal’ and that the candle lighting is a criminal offense. He also threatened to break the Rabbi’s phone and said other insults. The mall directors were not overly concerned and said that the guard was only referring to fire safety but that wasn’t apparent from the tones and choice of words the guard used in the video from cameras. The ceremony went on mainly because a store owner invited the Rabbi and the crowd would have none of the guard’s negativity. See Berlin article below…what do they know in Berlin that they don’t know in Tel Aviv?

World news:

Jewish Community in Ulm, Germany writes a Torah scroll: The ceremony took place in the parliament of the city under the auspices of the Rabbinical Council in Germany. From there hundreds of participants holding torches proceeded to accompany the Torah scroll to its new home in a local synagogue. Participants also included the deputy interior minister of Baden-Wittenberg, the local police chief the mayor and the former mayor and the vice president of the Jewish Communities in Germany.

Berlin Hanukkah candle lighting gets extra security when police move Muslim protest to different part of the city: Chabad organized a Hanukkah candle lighting ceremony in Berlin’s Victory Arch but it was threatened by the chance of Muslim protests which took place since Trump’s declaring US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s historical capital. The Muslims already had a permit for the protest but with some intervention the protest was moved to another location and increased security to make sure the candle lighting was undisturbed.

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