IDF Destroys House of Rabbi Mark’s Murderer

IDF forces in cooperation with border police and the civil administration, and by order of the Supreme Court, demolished the house of Muhmad Abed Almajid Al-Ameira on Tuesday night. Together with terrorist Muhammad Al-Pakia, Al-Ameira carried out the attack in which Rabbi Michael Mark of Otniel, a father of ten and director of the Otbniel Hesder Yeshiva, was murdered while driving with his wife and children. 

His wife suffered brain injuries and has undergone a major operation to return her to partial functioning. The children were left without parents to care for them. 

The Supreme Court had rejected a petition from Al-Ameira's family who sought to prevent the house demolition with the legal help of the far-left NGO “Hamoked – the Center for the Defense of the Individual.

“There is no reason to question the decision of the Army Command to destroy the house in question,” Judge Tzvi Zilbertal said. “This is a time-honored law which, in these trying times, there is a need to apply once again.”

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