IDF Shuts Down Huge Palestinian Weapons Factory

This past Sunday night December 18th, hundreds of IDF soldiers and Border Police found a huge weapons factory under a home in Hebron. They found 12 lathes for producing arms, hundreds of ammo types and a whole slew of spare parts for many different types of guns and automatic rifles.

A senior commander told Haaretz, “I had never seen a workshop that makes so many arms at such an accurate level for so many different types of weapons.” It was reported that this factory put out copies of the M16 sniper rifle and Carl Gustav weapons the Palestinians like to use.

A father and son, the owners of the factory were arrested and it is expected that a few more people will be soon arrested.

 The senior officer said this was the biggest factory find with heaviest and largest amount of arms. In the year 2016 alone 40 arms factories were found and destroyed by the IDF and they also confiscated over 420 different types of guns and ammo.

See video below of factory and munitions.


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