The 22nd of Tamuz, 5774 (July 20th, 2014) was one of the darkest days of Operation Protective Edge and especially the Golani Brigade. 14 Golani Brigade fighters were killed in bloody battles in the Saga'iya neighborhood. There is no Jew who does not remember the pain of that day: name after name, picture after picture, smiling young soldiers, their smiles seared our hearts.
Max Steinberg, Shachar Taseh, Daniel Pomerantz, Sean Mondshein, Ben Vaanunu, Noach Oren and Shaul Oron were killed when their APC was bombed. Shaul Oron's body was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. Zafrir Bar-Or, Zvika Kaplan, Gilad Yaacobi, Oz Mandelovitch, Sean Carmeli, Moshe Malko and Jordan Ben Simon were killed in various encounters with terrorists.
Esther Malko, Moshe Malko's sister, writes with the blood of her heart to her unforgettable brother. Here's the letter:
“Moshe, there are countless moments when I speak to you and I feel you strongly within me, both when it's happy and when sad,” Esther opens her letter.
“I ask G-d and believe that He will illuminate my path, as He has illuminated the path for you and your friends when you fought courageously, bravely and with dedication, protecting your commanders and comrades under enemy fire.”
“I am certain that you would do the same thing again and again for our people and our country. From the army of Israel you joined the army of G-d in heaven”. As time goes on, the extent of how much your light touches the nation of Israel becomes clear as it makes round ripples of light. The light of Moshe”
“It is our victory against our enemies, when your light and the nation's light continue to grow and become great. It's a comfort to my heart that it's good for you there (in heaven), and you should know there is no day I wish for more than redemption, the resurrection of the dead when we will again meet.”
“Moshe, your family and friends were the most important thing in your life, and you gave us all the goodness inside you. You were like an overflowing spring that was full of joy, giving, love and respect for every person.”
“I promise you that I will look after both our united family and our friends who are our brothers. I know and feel how you guard us and want only our joy.
Esther says farewell to her unforgettable brother: “Moshe, the heart is torn with pain and longing, but every minute I thank G-d that I have been blessed for 20 years – a short but precious gift that will always live in my heart. You were my brother and best friend! Your memories are guarded in my heart like a fortress. Your great smile always illuminates us. “
“Moshiko,” the letter concludes with a nickname of endearment; “You were a person who loved others and you were a loved person. I believe that when someone like you goes, this love stays. I love you and I'm proud of you, our hero!”