Is there any crime Clinton can commit which would lead to a prosecution or is she always above the law? The New York Post just reported that the State Department released on Friday emails revealing Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton had her Filipino maid Marina Santos print out “confidential” and “top secret” emails for her. Santos had no security clearance to read those emails.
Santos also had access to a highly secure room called an SCIF (sensitive compartmented information facility) that diplomatic security agents set up at Whitehaven, according to FBI notes from an interview with her aid Huma Abedin. Santos was also illegally privy to sensitive and confidential points on the Iran deal in 2012 and information Clinton illegally received included the President's Daily Brief – a top-secret memo received only by the president and a few select officials.
Nevertheless, the FBI did not investigate, or even interview, Santos as part of their probe into the Clinton email scandal. Nor did they request Clinton hand over the missing USB flash drive and Apple MacBook used to access those emails and documents that they were investigating.
Santos seems to be part of the inner circle of Hillary Clinton who flippantly violated the law. Another Clinton aide involved in email violations was Monica Hanley, who in 2012, advised Hillary, “We can ask Marina to print this.” Hanley also sent a “sensitive” but unclassified e-mail to Clinton referring to a fax the staff wanted Clinton “to see before your Netanyahu mtg. Marina will grab for you.”
In the meantime, FBI Director James Comey told Congress yesterday that a recent review of 650,000 newly discovered emails did not change the agency's conclusion reached in July that no charges were warranted in the case of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.
Republicans reacted with fury to the FBI announcement.
Donald Trump said that Mrs Clinton was being protected by a “rigged” system. “You can't review 650,000 emails in eight days, folks. Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it, The FBI knows it. The people know it. It is now up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on November 8. Unbelievable what she gets away with folks.”
Mike Pence, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, rejected James Comey's ruling. “Mishandling classified information is a crime,” he said, adding in two days Americans can “close the history book on the Clintons once and for all.”
Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, said, “None of this changes the fact that the FBI continues to investigate the Clinton Foundation for corruption involving her tenure as secretary of state. Hillary Clinton should never be president.”
Mrs Clinton decided to ignore Comey’s announcement during two evening rallies Monday night, although her communications director Jennifer Palmieri told reporters: “We're glad this matter is resolved.”
New Wikileaks released emails show that private emails and domains seems to be used by a number of Democrat politicians to avoid public scrutiny. The thousands of emails leaked from John Podesta, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, reveals that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel was found to have used personal email accounts and a personal email domain rahmemail.com.
Emanuel was sued by a newspaper last year in a case about state open record laws that’s still pending. Under Illinois law, government business conducted over email by a public official is subject to the state’s open records law. The paper’s Freedom of Information Act requests filed since Emanuel took office have turned up little to no email communications from the mayor on his government email accounts while Wikileaks show he contacted Clinton and Podesta from his private email account.