Israel news:
Channel 10 reported that Ben Gurion Airport had their air space shut down by government security forces due to an unreported security event. The Airport Authority denies any such closure and said there was only a slowdown and delays.
Magen David Adom treated 376 people on Sunday and Monday for dehydration and other heat wave related calls.
A fire raged in the Moshav of Mattityahu: 4 factories were burned down but now the fire is under control and one person was treated for smoke inhalation.
4th of July party: US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman hosted Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Rivlin at a Fourth of July celebration reception in his home. David Friedman described his visit to the US aircraft carrier that is docked in Haifa saying: “Of all the relationships, I have never seen anything like the relationship between the soldiers and militaries. There is a great level of respects and mutual appreciation.” Netanyahu spoke at the reception and said that: “when Trump touched the stones of the Western Wall he touched the hearts of the entire Jewish nation.”
World news:
US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley sent a letter to UNESCO Secretary General Irina Bokova on Monday stating the Palestinian Authority claim that the Cave of the Patriarchs was in danger of being destroyed by Israel is one big lie. There is no threat whatsoever to this site whereas in many other countries there are threatened heritage sites that are selectively ignored. The US is trying to make peace between Israel and the PA and feels UNESCO’s efforts undermine this.
A month ago ISIS started gunning down women and children in Mosul as the noose tightens around their necks in the last neighborhood they still have a foothold in. The cruelty is unimaginable; the navy seals were evacuating children whose parents dead bodies were laying on top of them, reported a wounded navy seal to Fox News.