Israel, Judaism and Democracy 101

For over 24 hours the world waited to hear John Kerry’s words of wisdom and his observations on how to mediate peace in the Middle East successfully. It doesn’t matter that this peace eluded him for 8 years and close to a million deaths later. In a perverse way he (and Obama) can actually be an inspiration to us. He doesn’t give up time after time, failure after failure. This may be the optimistic Thomas Edison mentality saying:  “I have not failed 700 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.”

Such an optimistic approach is good for light bulbs but every time another attempt at peace goes awry in the Middle East it costs thousands of lives. The situation and what to do with it is more comparable to a quote from Albert Einstein. Einstein said, ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.’ In other words, forcing Israel to give and give and continue to make believe peace is coming is not going to work. 

John Kerry shared his mindset with us about Israel, Judaism and democracy. All these relate to the acceptance or rejection of a Two State Solution. According to Kerry if Israel rejects the two state solution and has only one state “it can be Jewish or democratic but it can’t be both”. This is because according to Kerry in Democracy you can have many religions coexist together. Indeed this is the case in America many religions and nationalities do coexist together and up to a few years ago were pretty happy about it. But wait! In Israel, as a matter of fact only in Israel of all the countries in the Middle East, these religions and nationalities also coexist with mutual respect and full rights. So what’s bothering Kerry? What does the two state solution add that didn’t exist before? 

The answer is NOTHING!! Well nothing positive anyway. It does add the danger of the PA having a larger military base from which to attempt to destroy Israel. It does reward bloodshed and murder giving incentive for more of the same. It also gives corrupt leaders an entire nation to extort to their hearts desire. They call Israel colonialists. If they get into power you can pity their citizens. The PA already uses most of its funding to line the pockets of its leaders saving a few pennies for the salaries of terrorists that volunteered for terrorist activities and got caught.

But it does add something. Kerry whether he believes this lie or not, can say he gave the PA something so they can get off his back. The cost of that something, the two state solution, is our lives and as the saying goes; “Your life is a risk I’m willing to take”.

But while we spoke of great inventors and scientists, John Kerry can join their ranks. He invented a new definition of Jewish and Democracy which makes them mutually exclusive. The twain shall never meet. However, there is hope! If Israel bows down to believes in and prays to the God called the “Two State Solution” we can get the quick fix and be spared eternal damnation. At least for the next ten minutes until the next demand is made and slowly but surely anyone who listens to this narrative will help the PA inch by inch push Israel into the sea.

Kerry is actually getting off easy. The Middle East is in shambles due to the spinelessness of the Obama administration in the face of the terror and injustice inflicted on Egypt, Syria and Iraq. Oh and don't forget the Iran deal! Between all those countries a million people died and a world terror sponsor will soon become a nuclear nation. Kerry and Obama can walk away, wash their hands off and blame someone else for the carnage.

But if Kerry and Obama attack Israel they can do what the UN has been doing for years; ignore the problems you don’t have the guts to fix and find a scapegoat, Israel.  

Obama believes he could have won a third term if it were legal. Kerry believes he has the answers to the Middle East conflict. Their incompetence is rivaled only by their delusional fantasies. That's why as of six hours after Kerry's speech there were over 50,000 comments posted against them.

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