Israel news:
2 policemen were slightly injured from stones thrown at them in the Arab village of Isswaiya near Jerusalem. The throwers were arrested.
The Coalition decided that the authority to do conversions will remain in the hands of the Israeli Rabbinate. Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef says “we need to make a blessing upon the government’s decision.”
No site for mixed gender prayers at the Western Wall will be authorized was another coalition decision today.
Hezbollah claims: “The rebels are intentionally firing into Israel to provoke Israel to attack Assad.”
A bus passenger was injured when hit by stones thrown at the bus as it passed the tomb of Samuel the prophet at the northern edge of Jerusalem.
The Wall by the Lebanese border will be built next month to limit the Hezbollah’s ability to enter Israel and carry out terror attacks. It is expected the Hezbollah will try to hinder progress by shooting at the people building it.
A female soldier was locked into the luggage compartment on a bus to Safed. Her feet were dangling out and strongly squeezed by the compartment doors. It was feared she would lose her legs but thank G-d she is slightly bruised. She is traumatized but not in danger of losing her legs.
World news:
An oil tanker exploded in Pakistan and least 153 people were killed Sunday with over 50 more critically injured. The tanker truck turned over when a combination of a sharp turn and a blowout caused the driver to lose control. Other drivers and bystanders pleased with their new found windfall Drivers ran to gather the leaking fuel laying in a huge puddle in any containers they could find. Someone apparently lit a cigarette which started the fire in seconds trapping all the ‘would be oil gatherers’ killing 153 and burning many beyond recognition.
An insensitive College Professor at University of Delaware said: “Otto Warmbier got exactly what he deserved.” She also called him someone who acted like “a spoiled, naive, arrogant, US college student”. Being clearly disillusioned with the quality of some of her students doesn’t necessarily give her the right to make sweeping over generalities just 2 days after a student’s death (who wasn’t in her university). The University of Delaware distanced themselves from this insensitive professor’s remarks.
In the aftermath of the Grenfell tower fire tragedy British Fire Inspectors say over 60 high rise apartment buildings are unsafe. They even evacuated 4 buildings in London having the same cladding as the Grenfell Tower. The evacuees will live in hotels and other temporary quarters as work crews scramble to replace the cladding on these buildings for the next 4 weeks.