Israel Stops More Potential Terror Attacks over Weekend

Israel news:

An Arab from Tulkarem staying illegally in Netanya was arrested last night (Saturday). This 21 year old from Tulkarem was checked by police and was carrying a knife. He is suspected of attempting to carry out a terror attack.  

On Friday night an Arab tried infiltrating into Ateret which is 6 km away from Neve Tzuf where the Solomon’s were murdered 2 weeks ago. The terrorist laid a ladder on the security fence which tripped alarms in the town’s security system alerting the community commander of security who with a patrolman began to chase the potential infiltrator.

Cameras show the terrorist ran to the town of Rawabi which is supposed to be a ‘city of peace’ providing jobs and a proper infrastructure to Arabs who wouldn’t get that anywhere else in the Middle East. Obviously it’s a city of peace only in the imaginations of some naive misguided planners and frustrated Jewish philanthropists especially from the Brazil Federation who helped fund building the town.

World news:

Turkish Upper Class is the new immigrant demographic on the rise: After the coup attempt in Turkey in 2016 thousands of diplomats, government workers and professionals lost their jobs. Many fled to Germany to avoid arrest and torture. Turkey calls them terrorists and wants Germany to extradite them and send them back. This exodus from Turkey of highly educated professionals amounts to a “Turkish brain drain” according to Caner Aver from the Turkish Studies and Integration Research Center in Essen, Germany.

1/3 of British Jews want out: Over the past 2 years more and more Jews are thinking about leaving the UK mainly for its failure to stem anti-Semitic and hate crimes which have risen dramatically. 75% of those interviewed by the ‘Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’ (CAA) said recent political events brought about more hostility towards Jews. In 2015 when far left Jeremy Cobryn became head of the Labour Party, listing the Hamas and Hezbollah as friends, Jewish confidence in the government’s ability to fight hatred and anti-Semitism has eroded. Indeed both anti-Semitism and hate crimes are steadily rising and less UK Jews fell welcome than ever before.

Six coach cars from a passenger train derailed in Lucknow, Northern India yesterday (Saturday). 23 people were killed and at least 81 were injured.

On Friday in Caracas, the pro government ‘constitutional’ assembly pushed through an undemocratic decree to take over Congress powers of legislation in order to pass some laws it considers vitally important. On Shabbat the congress held a special session to protest the undemocratic move by President Nicolas Maduro’s allies. The US and 9 Latin American countries consider what Maduro did a power grab and a big step backwards towards dictatorship. The Congress will keep meeting until forced to stop (which may indeed happen).

In the Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte instituted a brutal crackdown against drug trafficking and crime. Over 80 drug and suspected criminals were killed last week by police in Manila and the Bulacan province. In protest for unnecessary killing, bells will be tolled in Philippine churches from Tuesday onwards for 15 minutes a night for the coming 3 months to increase citizen awareness in order to express anger at evil instead of cowering. Police have their work cut out for themselves as besides crime and drugs ISIS also is a threat, having murdered people in the Phillippines and trying to get control of areas there.

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