Israeli Judo Master Prays in Marrakesh Synagogue

Y-Net has video footage of Uri Sasson striding toward the Holy Ark in the last remaining synagogue in Marrakesh, burying his face in the ark’s curtain and praying with his lips moving silently. Reporter Oren Aharoni   says “Sasson was very moved and spent a good few minutes praying.

Along with Uri Sasson representing Israel is judo master Oren Smadja and the head of the Israeli Judo Association Moshe Ponti. When Uri finished his prayers they resumed a tour of Moroccan Jewish history and learned what Jewish communal life was like when the community flourished.  The synagogue guard explained that there were 3 great synagogues in town which were very active for many years. But now since there are very few Jews left to pray there these synagogues are used mainly as tourist attractions.

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