Israeli Singer Aviv Gefen is Searching for G-d

“I’m not against the religious. G-d made man fortunate and I’m all for it” says (meanwhile) non-religious Israeli singer Aviv Gefen, a secular Israeli icon.

This was in a conversation in Israeli Channel 2’s program called “The Voice”. Avi Ganz a religious Israeli singer performed a song surprisingly well. Geffen turned to him and asked; Why G-d? Why did you choose G-d?” Avi Ganz answered, “I didn’t choose G-d, He chose me!”
Gefen replied; “I perform a lot with Aviatar Banai  (a religious musician). In truth I have a lot of respect for religion and Judaism. In my eyes, G-d is the truth… it is hope, strength and it’s no despair. I have a lot of respect for that. What you’re doing makes you feel fortunate- I’m all for it, and I’m not against any religious people.”

Fellow music artist Avraham Tal turns to Gefen and says: “I want to explain something here. I know Aviv many years. You discuss a question and it’s like you’re debating it inside you. You go out and say “friends, it doesn’t exist” or “if it makes you happy”; Aviv, I’m telling you that you don’t know it, but inside you’re a believer!”

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Aviv replied, “I think G-d is important because without G-d this world wouldn’t exist. G-d strengthens with hope, for this world is a tough place. Where there is strong religion, people live longer; that’s been scientifically proven!”

Aviv Gefen has made comments in the past hinting at his search for G-d. He once said, “if my son finds his teshuva (repentance) through (finding) strength in G-d, I will support him.”

Around the time of that statement he visited a synagogue as part of a program. He wanted to put on a kipa and told the religious woman hosting, “You should know I’m jealous of you! Now with no joking and no sarcasm I’m jealous of someone who believes in something bigger, it’s wonderful in my eyes. I’m waiting for the time I’ll have an enlightening experience. It hasn’t yet happened and honestly it’s frustrating.”

We hope G-d grants him his wish and lights up his life and leads him down the path to true happiness.

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