Italy Wants to Leave the Eurozone

Italy is considering leaving the Eurozone similar to Britain’s “Brexit”. Germany had an Economists Panel meeting discussing the likelihood of such a step and its implications. 61% of the economists are against the move and only 29% in favor.

52% of the economists felt the Eurozone would be hurt by such a move by Italy whereas 48% felt that though the Euro would suffer, Italy itself would benefit greatly from improved competitiveness. 14% even thought that Italy leaving would have a positive effect on the Eurozone. 23% felt that Italy leaving the EU will have a very negative impact on it.

There were different opinions as to the likelihood of Italy exiting the Eurozone. 57% believed that it is unlikely and 14% even consider Italy very unlikely to leave. 20% felt Italy was likely to leave and 6% thought it very likely.

The EU may face challenges ahead if members start wanting to leave.

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