Jerusalem Woman 96, Passes Away Leaving Over 1,000 Descendants

On Tuesday night January 3rd, Rabbanit Malka Rivka Kroise passed away in Hadassah hospital in Ein karem, Jerusalem. She was born in Jerusalem and came from an upstanding Hasidic family. Her father was Rabbi Bendel Brichta who was known as the “Baal Tefilla” (cantor) of Batei Rand and old Jerusalem neighborhood.

Her husband, Rabbi Shlomo Kroise was a well-known real estate agent and was from the prominent Hasidim in the court of Toldot Aharon. He passed away 2 and a half years ago.

The Rabbanit served in the homes of many admorim (Hasidic Rabbis) and is survived by 8 sons and 5 daughters and over a thousand descendants.

The custom in Jerusalem is not to delay a burial overnight. But that makes it difficult for people to come pay their last respects. Though the hour was late after midnight, many people came. Led by the Admor of Toldot Aharon they honored her, escorting her to her final resting place on the Mount of Olives.

May her soul be bound in eternal life.

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