Kids Mega Challah Bake Breaks Records

1,128 children participated in a record-breaking event last week which was designed to encourage unity and break the barriers between various different affiliations of Jewish children. The event, created by a committee of 11 local mothers, took place at the Hilton Hotel in midtown Manhattan and children from all over the New York area, aged 5 to 13 streamed in to the hotel and learned to mix, knead and braid their own challah dough, which they then took home to bake. According to, more than 1,000 eggs, 1,000 pounds of flour and 7,000 ounces of water were used for the unique bake.

The Challah bake was sponsored by a wide range of organizations and featured children from many different denominations who came together for the event. The event also aimed to break the record for the largest baking lesson ever in history.

The energy in the room was unbelievable,” said Gillie Shanowitz, co-director of the New York Hebrew School in Manhattan and one of the event’s organizers. “There was a feeling of total Jewish unity and Jewish pride, as people from all walks of Jewish life came together to do a mitzvah.”

“It’s something these girls and boys will remember for a very long time,” adds Bryce Gruber, also an event organizer.


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