Last Year 34,676 People Were Killed in Terror Attacks

Terror is spreading around the world. 34,676 people were killed in 2016 in terror attacks according to a terror information databank report from the University of Maryland.

The most murders were carried out by ISIS which carried out 1,400 terror attacks killing 11,700 people. Another interesting statistic is that in Western Europe even though the amount of attacks has risen dramatically, they account for less than 1% of all terror deaths. 2% of all attacks occurred in Europe whereas European deaths counted for only 0.7% of total deaths.

Which countries were hardest hit? Those in the Middle East and North Africa were hardest hit with a total of 19,121 terror deaths which is 55% of the world total. The worst, most deadly terror attack was in Iraq when a suicide bomber drove his truck full of explosives into a Bagdad shopping center killing 382.

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