Noah Fisher, a Pupa Hasid who lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, N. Y., was on his way to his yeshiva in Westchester, N.Y. in the thick of a snowstorm. Conditions became difficult as snow piled up on the road. The car in front of him suddenly stopped forcing Noah to veer off to the side where he ended up in a deep snow bank.
Noah’s nephew that was riding another car at the same time came to help. They first tried to get the car out unsuccessfully. “A policeman came and tried towing their car out of the snow bank but he also didn’t succeed,” Noah told Hamodia. “Afterwards we saw a special truck that was helping stranded drivers. This truck succeeded in moving me out a bit.”
A half an hour later 3 SUV’s slowed down and a man asked “Do you need any help”? I pointed at the policeman and the truck and said I already have help, but he insisted and said “let me help you,” Fisher said.
“He climbed under my car and put chains on then he would tell me “turn left” or “turn right” and 20 minutes later we already out of the snow.”
“The whole time I noticed security people near this man and someone was even taking pictures of him helping me. At first I had no idea why but when the man finished and went back to his car I went over to him and asked him his name”, Fisher explains.
He answered, “Andrew Cuomo”.
“As in the governor?” I asked.
“Yes, indeed” Cuomo quickly answered.
Fisher who doesn’t use the internet said, “You’re kidding me!” But when everyone else confirmed it Noah smiled to himself and said, “I don’t believe it”!
Later Andew Cuomo’s staff posted the episode on his Twitter account and Fisher suddenly became famous. “I got over 300 phone calls from friends and family in the past hour and a half!” Noah Fisher said.