MK Sharon Haskell led a group of Australian diplomats on a tour of Hebron. She wrote, “this tour is part of my continuous efforts since becoming MK to invite diplomats from all over the world and show them the reality on the ground. They are always surprised when the see these places with their own eyes and agree that you can’t deny these places belonging to the Jewish Nation.”
“I’m at the grave of our Patriarch Abraham, one of the holiest places in Judaism which symbolizes our historical connection to our identity and our tradition. Do the Egyptians really want to say Jews have no connection to this place?”
“It’s the same thing as saying Egypt has no connection to the Pyramids!! This is but part of the propaganda they try to spread in all international organizations. Exactly like UNESCO’s “deciding” that Jews have no connection to the Temple Mount. It’s like Abbas declaring he will sue Britain for making the Balfour Declaration. This is all part of the false propaganda that attempts to break any connection between Judaism and this land.”
It doesn’t matter how many resolutions they will try to pass in many international forums. They will never break the Jewish connection to our land.”