Israel News:
An IDF soldier was injured from friendly fire during the apprehension and arrest of 2 terrorists in Gush Etzion. In another campaign in the Arab village of ‘Kover’, the father and brother of the Solomon murderer were arrested last night. All told 25 terrorists were arrested last night for violence and terror.
An Israeli Air Force instrument (perhaps a drone) attacked 2 Hamas targets in Gaza in retaliation for Hamas rocket fire to Ashkelon. Hamas says ‘Israel is crossing a dangerous line and will pay the consequences.’ The IDF spokesman said: “We consider the Hamas solely responsible for anything happening in Gaza.”
Elor Azarya entered prison today after his request for lightening his sentence was denied yesterday. He was accompanied by a crowd of friends and family.
Israeli Channel 20 was fined over 100,000 shekels for not giving a voice to the reform and conservative movements.
World News:
New Jersey Anti-Semitism: The Monsey Eruv may be the biggest in the world. They want to expand into Bergen County. 2 New Jersey towns that already have an eruv within their township, Montvale and Upper Saddle River are both asking to take them down. The Mawah Township wrote to the South Monsey Eruv Fund last week, claiming its eruv pipes attached to utility poles are considered signs and they violate the town's zoning regulations that ban signs on utility poles. Jewish communities in the US had eruvs for 150 years. Even if the Jews win their case the anti-Semitic cat is out of the bag as thousands of residents prefer not having Jews in their neighborhood.
Two Anti-Semitic New Jersey arsonists get a 36 year prison sentence for throwing Molotov cocktails at synagogues.
Trump stated that he will meet North Korea ‘with fire and fury the world has never seen if more threats emerge’. This in light of North Korea successfully making a small nuclear warhead that will fit into its ICBM’s that were already tested as operational and able to reach Chicago.
More Terror in France: A car driven by a terrorist ran over 6 soldiers in the western Paris suburb of Levallois-Perret, France today on Wednesday morning. Of the 6 injured as they were leaving their barracks, 2 are critically injured according to authorities.
In El Arish, four policemen were ambushed and have been killed by Islamic militants. After Morsi was replaced in 2013 the battle against these militants has become fiercer and there is more violence in northern Sinai from these groups.