Memorial Day in Numbers: 12 painful facts

1. The number of fallen IDF soldiers who fell in Israeli battles: 23,544.
2. The number of bereaved families in Israel today is 16,307, including 9,442 bereaved parents, 4,917 IDF and security forces widows and 1,948 orphans younger than age 30.
3. 97 IDF deaths were added to this counting since Memorial Day last year.
4. Since Israel's establishment, it experienced seven wars, three intifadas, and was  involved in many military confrontations that are not defined as wars.
5. In the War of Independence is also known as the 1948 War, 4,000 soldiers were killed and 2,373 civilians were killed.
6. The Sinai Campaign, also known as the Kedesh Campaign, claimed the lives of 231 soldiers. 900 soldiers were injured and four prisoners were taken.
7. The “Six-Day War” claimed the lives of 779 soldiers.2,593 soldiers were wounded and 15 were taken prisoners.
8. The 'War of Attrition' took the lives of 721 soldiers and 100 civilians. 705 soldiers and 700 civilians were injured.
9. The Yom Kippur War was difficult and painful claiming the lives of 2,656 soldiers.  7,251 were wounded and 294 taken prisoner.

torah portion
10. The “First Lebanon War”, or “Operation Peace for the Galilee”, claimed the lives of 675 soldiers, at least 4,000 soldiers were injured.
11. The Second Lebanon War claimed the lives of 121 soldiers and 44 civilians. 628 soldiers and 2,000 civilians were injured.
12. Violent confrontations not defined as wars:
“The Security Zone War” (June 1985 – May 24, 2000); 546 IDF soldiers and about 600 SLA soldiers were killed and thousands wounded. During this period, three major operations were carried out: Operation Law and Order, Operation Accountability and Operation Grapes of Wrath.
“The First Intifada” (December 9, 1987 – 1993), which ended with the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993.
“The Second Intifada” (September 24, 2000 – 2005), whose most prominent feature was suicide bombing in Israel. It was halted following Operation Defensive Shield.
Operation Cast Lead (December 27, 2008 – January 18, 2009); a IDF military counter terror operation against terrorism from the Gaza Strip, particularly against Hamas and rocket-fire at southern communities.
“Operation Cloud Pillar” (November 14, 2012 – November 21, 2012) and Operation Protective Edge (July 8, 2014 – August 26, 2014), After the rocket fire following Operation Shuvu Achim to get the 3 Israeli young men kidnapped back, Operation Protective Edge intensified.
We pray to G-d to avenge our blood and the blood of our fallen brethren and redeem his people Israel soon.

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