More Anti-Semitism in the U.S.

Anti-Semitism in the US has reached Rochester in New York State.  At least 5 monuments were shattered yesterday and found thrown into the nearby street.

This is the third incident of vandalism in a Jewish cemetery in two weeks. The two previous incidents took place in Philadelphia and St. Louis.
New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered an investigation of the anti-Semitic Rochester vandalism. He also stated that. “New York has zero tolerance for bias or discrimination of any kind, and we will always stand united in the face of anti-Semitism and divisiveness. It is repugnant to everything we believe as New Yorkers, and we will continue to do everything in our power to bring to justice those responsible for these cowardly attacks on the values we hold dear.”

In reaction to the previous Philadelphia vandalism there was a protest parade in Philadelphia where hundreds of people participated protesting against the hate and the anti-Semitism that brought about the desecration of Jewish graves and the threats to Jewish community centers.

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