More Pix: Passover Circa: WWII

Baking matzo in Macau 1944 Halpert Family Children and neighbors

Allied soldiers seder March 25, 1945 Belgium

Matzo Distribution in Warsaw Ghetto, 1940

A Passover Seder of The Allied Armies
Passover Seder in hospital. Sosnowiec, Poland 1941

Matzo Disribution, Lodz Ghetto 1941

Seder in refugee shelter at 7 Dzielna St. , Warsaw Ghetto

Seder in Pithiviers Detention camp, France, 1942

Seder in Beaune-la-Roland detention camp 1942

Allied Armies Passover Seder

Passover Seder organized by refugee aid committee, 6 Leszno St. Warsaw Ghetto

Polish Jews who fled to Russia bake matzo. USSR, 1943

Seder at refugee shelter 7 Dzielna st. Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Blessing wine at Passover Seder in shelter set up by the Refugees' aid Commiittee, 6 Leszno St. Warsaw Ghetto, Poland

Photos came from Yad Vashem's “Tell Your Son” Exhibit. G-d willing we'll show the post war photos from the exhibit

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