Will the senior stipend go up to the minimum wage? Ministers in the legislative committee are considering a law that will raise the senior stipend to the minimum wage which will be 5,300 starting this January. The stipend is currently 1,531 making it a starvation stipend where the 41% of the elderly suffer malnutrition and 58% can’t maintain their health for lack of finances, having to choose between food and medication. If the war being waged by the handicapped to increase their stipend is any indication, then chances are this senior stipend will be treated similarly.
A law providing thousands of rental apartments is on the table to provide a mass of long term rental apartments including making builders set aside a portion of large projects for rentals based on low income.
300 Worshippers were attacked with Molotov cocktails and rocks when they prayed at the tomb of the prophets Gad and Nathan in the Halhul area under IDF control.
Details of Trump’s peace initiative are emerging: Some ideas include announcing a Palestinian state without uprooting any settlements, financial incentives and future negotiations for land swaps and the status of Jerusalem. Trump is also considering closing the PA office in Washington DC and the Palestinians are furious saying that it endangers the peace initiative. This sounds similar to Iran threatening to pull out of the non-existent nuclear deal if they are sanctioned.
PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat threatened to cut off PA contact with the Trump administration if Trump shuts down the PLO mission in Washington, DC. “We responded that in case they close the PLO office in Washington, DC, we’ll stop communications with this administration.”
Longevity gene discovered? Dr. Douglas Vaughn led a team of researchers in Chicago's Northwestern University who discovered a gene which on one hand can inhibit blood clotting. On the other hand statistics show that carriers of the gene live 10 years longer than average with a life expectancy of 85 years. Research is looking for ways to use the gene’s properties in people without the gene and yet not endanger their blood clotting.
Lebanese foreign minister talks big a week after Nasrallah claimed Saudi Arabia asked Israel to attack Lebanon for them. The minister said: “We needn’t push Israel and to cause war simply because Israel would lose.”