Israel news:
Abu Mazen’s special advisor Nabil Shaath is defending the need to pay salaries to families of jailed terrorists calling those payments a “social responsibility”. He also questions the notion that 1/3 of Palestinians are terrorists because they sat in jail. As far as he’s concerned “the occupation is to blame.” If this is the advice Abu Mazen is getting he has no reason to take responsibility for anything until the ‘occupation’ ends.
Breaking the Silence spokesman Dean Issacharoff stated that he unjustly assaulted an Arab while serving in the IDF. Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked had him called in for questioning saying that the state has to decide if Issacharoff was “a liar who defames the IDF, or if it is a case of violence that needs to be investigated.” Those are two bad choices and Issacharoff was better off not opening his mouth. Now, no matter what happens he’s in trouble; either for actually assaulting an Arab or for slandering and libeling the IDF. His evil tongue used against Israel until now caused him to stumble and inflict damage on himself.
Israel makes its first single malt whiskey and put up the first 100 hundred bottles out of batch of 391 bottles for auction on an international website for whisky auctions. The Milk and Honey Distillery in Tel Aviv is the company that did this and is proud to add single malt whiskey and gin to the international repertoire of fine drinks that the holy land was blessed with including premium wines and beers.
World news:
Death to Israel! Death to America! Iran celebrates 'Al Quds Day' with chants of 'Death to Israel and' 'Death to America' at their Al Quds parade. These chants are the usual mantras shouted at the annual parade. An additional chant was added calling for murdering the Saudi royal family since the new shift of power will mean Iran is more directly threatened.
North Korea denies that it tortured the American student Otto Warmbier who was imprisoned for the most minor infraction. North Korea says it has no idea why Otto died claiming: “Though he was a criminal we sent him back home for humanitarian reasons since he wasn’t well.”
The London Police Inspectors claim the Grenfell tower fire was caused by an electrical short in a refrigerator in one of the apartments. Police are thinking about pressing manslaughter charges, as building did not meet safety codes. These include flammable and poisonous cladding and not having sprinklers among other violations.