Only 2 Israeli Hospitals Were Hit In Worldwide Cyber-Attack

Israel News:

On Thursday night army forces removed a monument in Jenin which honored the terrorist Khaled Nazzal, orchestrator the 1974 Ma'alot massacre, and responsible for the deaths of 26 people including 22 students in that massacre. When the monument was installed the IDF warned it would be taken down for glorifying a terrorist and incitement for terror. The Jenin municipality took it down and reinstated it the next day. When IDF forces were removing the monument they were fired at and the forces returned fire.

An IDF drone fell in Bethlehem and it was found and retrieved. No security secrets were compromised in the mishap.

Only 2 Israeli hospitals were hit in the world cyber-attack otherwise Israel remained unscathed.

Law Proposal: instead of naming streets and town squares after terrorists, Arab towns should name at least 2 streets after Israeli leaders.

World News:

2 Senate committees increase Israel’s defense budget raising it to $705 million for research and development of various missile defense programs and joint Israel-American defense projects.

The EU Parliament allowed BDS representatives to speak together with PA representatives: the topic? You guessed it; blaming Israel for the failure of the peace process!

The Pakistan tanker truck fire claimed 17 more lives bring the total to 190. A large funeral took place on Tuesday for 130 of the victims.

2 terror groups take part in shameful UN forum to mark 50 years of occupation:
Danny Danon told Fox News: “The UN is colluding with supporters of terror seeking to harm Israel,” A Ramallah human rights group called Al Haq, has ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP.) This group claimed responsibility for killing woman police officer Hadas Malka. The other group is the Gaza based Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, which does legal work for the Hamas.

“It’s beyond comprehension that UN funds are supporting organizations which aid terrorists and incite against Israel. We call on the Secretary General to intervene immediately and prevent these individuals from appearing at the UN,” Danon said.

Needless to say the forum is shameful and it should surprise no one that the UN sits with its natural partners for shameful meetings that are nothing more than Israel bashing.

In San Antonio 2 police officers were shot while patrolling around 3:25 p.m. As they were exiting their car they were both shot but they managed to return fire killing one suspect and wounding the other. Both policemen are in critical condition and the motive for the shooting is not yet clear.

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