PA Cartoon Shows Hook-Nosed Jew Threatening Arabs

The watchdog group Palestinian Media Watch has for years been cataloguing the anti-Semitic incitement that fills the Palestinian Autonomy media. 
Its most recent finding is an anti-Semitic cartoon published by the Fatah Party's Information and Culture Commission website.

The cartoon features the Sunni and Shiite Muslim factions trying to blow each other up, while a hook-nosed Jew, representing Israel, is detonating a bigger bomb on both factions. 

The implication of the picture is that the Jews are conniving to destroy the Arab world, and are taking advantage of or even clandestinely inciting Arab infighting to achieve their goal.

This reflects the world Arab press that routinely attributes Israeli conspiracies behind every negative development in their own country including terrorist attacks by Muslims in Arab countries.

This cartoon has both bizarre and typical aspects to it. The bizarre aspect is that Arabs are associated with hook noses no less than Jews. They would be offended if anyone would draw an Arab with a hooked nose in a cartoon, but feel no compunction doing the same to Jews.

The typical aspect is that Arabs are once again blaming everyone else for their dysfunctionality and internecine wars which have been going on for 1,400 years rather than engaging in some self-introspection.

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