Partners for Peace

A group called Palestinian Media Watch put together a whole slew of new clips from last week’s terror attack. Founded in 1996, Palestinian Media Watch is an Israeli research institute that studies Palestinian society from a broad range of perspectives by monitoring and analyzing the Palestinian Authority through its media and schoolbooks.As we bury and mourn our victims of terror the PA is getting ready for the next round in its violent and bloody path which it hopes will bring it statehood.

Here are some of the choice words Palestinian leaders had to say about last week’s terror attack in Armon Hanatziv, Jerusalem.

“[PA Parliament (Legislative Council) member] Hatem Abd Al-Qader, responsible for the Jerusalem portfolio in the Fatah Movement, held the occupation fully responsible for the Jerusalem operation (terror attack, 4 murdered, over 15 wounded) in a radio interview with The Voice of Palestine (the official PA radio station), and emphasized that all the [Israeli] actions of violence, killing, destruction, and settlement that are befalling the city are the main reasons for this operation. He also held the occupation responsible for the consequences of these operations, and for its unlimited war against [Arab] residents of Jerusalem.” From the Official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 9, 2017

Headline: “The Popular Front blesses the Jerusalem operation”                                                                                                          “The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) congratulated the masses of our people over the Jerusalem operation (i.e., terror attack, 4 murdered, over 15 wounded), which came as part of the popular response to the crimes of the occupation and the unbridled settlers against our people and our holy sites in Jerusalem and in the occupied homeland.

The front emphasized that this operation proves again that the intifada of the young Palestinians (Palestinian euphemism for several months of Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis 2015 – 2016 -Ed.) continues, and is strengthening and improving from day to day, and that all of the attempts to thwart it or conspire against it will not succeed.

The front eulogized the one who carried out the operation, released prisoner Fadi Al-Qanbar from Jabel Mukaber in Jerusalem, and emphasized its adherence to the option of intifada and resistance as a path to unity and liberation.

The front demanded that everyone, including the national institutions, bear their responsibility to strengthen the resolve of our people in Jerusalem and towards the relatives of the Martyrs (Shahids) of the popular response (i.e., 2015-2016 Palestinian terror wave), which was paved by Martyrs Uday, Ghassan, and Alaa Abu Jamal (i.e., terrorist relatives who between them murdered 7 in two attacks), Baha Alyan (i.e., terrorist, murdered 3 with an accomplice), and the dozens of Martyrs who died during this intifada.

The front said that the expressions of joy in the Gaza Strip and other places in the homeland came as a spontaneous popular response that emphasized the unity of the blood and fate of our people in all places it is located in the homeland and diaspora.”                                 [Ma’an, independent Palestinian news agency, Jan. 8, 2017]  
Headline: “Abu Tharifa: The [car] ramming is a natural response to the policy lines of the occupation”
“Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) political bureau member Talal Abu Tharifa said that the [car] ramming operation (i.e., terror attack, 4 murdered, 15 wounded) that took place today [Jan. 8, 2017] in occupied Jerusalem comes as part of the Palestinian resistance, which is one of the hoists of the Palestinian national struggle. Likewise, he said that this is a legal right anchored in international law and all the resolutions of the international bodies.

Abu Tharifa added during an interview with the Al-Ghad satellite news channel that all of the types of Palestinian resistance operations are included as part of the natural response to the policy of crimes and terror that the Israeli occupation is committing today against all of the members of the Palestinian people, its holy sites, and its land. Likewise, he noted that the resistance forces cannot raise a white flag before the occupation in light of its unfair policy lines, and in the shadow of the silence of the international community.

Abu Tharifa clarified that the occupation must learn lessons from this operation, and that as long as it continues its policy lines and actions, the resistance will not be able to be silent. The response of the resistance comes out of understanding that the equation is not only one sided, but rather also includes an active Palestinian side.

Likewise, he emphasized that it is necessary to turn this intifada of the young people into a comprehensive popular intifada that will include all sectors of the society, which will allow it to clash on a daily basis with the despicable Israeli occupation.”                                           [Ma’an, independent Palestinian news agency, Jan. 8, 2017]  
Headline: “4 of the occupation's soldiers were killed and an additional 15 were injured in a car ramming operation in occupied Jerusalem”
“The chorus of the Israeli right, which [Israeli] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads, did not delay in making inciting statements against the PA and holding it responsible for the car ramming attack that took place yesterday [Jan. 8, 2017] in occupied Jerusalem, in which 4 of the occupation's soldiers were killed, and an additional 15 were injured, 3 of them seriously.

In an unscheduled meeting that was held against the background of the car ramming operation, the reduced [Israeli] Political-Security [A1] Cabinet decided to demolish the home in the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood in East Jerusalem of the family of the Martyr (Shahid) that carried out the operation, not to transfer his body to his family, to reject any request the family has submitted or will submit for unification with their relatives in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and to blockade Jabel Mukaber and arrest anyone who shows joy over the operation…

The truck driver, a resident of Jabel Mukaber, died as a Martyr, shot and killed by the occupation forces (sic., he was shot by a civilian), after he crashed into soldiers in the park in the settlement neighborhood of 'Armon Hanatziv,' which overlooks the Old City of Jerusalem.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 9, 2017]  
Article on website of Ma’an, independent Palestinian news agency, posted at 10:19 pm on Jan. 8, 2017 following truck ramming attack that murdered 4 Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem that same day. The statements of the Fatah official quoted in the article should be viewed as his response to the attack.
Headline: “Fatah: Netanyahu is entrusting peace to the hands of a group of settlers who are occupying the land of the other by force”
“Head of the Information Committee of the Fatah Mobilization and Organization Commission Munir Al-Jaghoub said that occupation [Israeli] Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu is entrusting peace to the hands of a group of settlers who are occupying the land of the other by force.

The Fatah Movement said that the Israelis can put an end to this conflict that has been waged for years due to the situation of rage that the Palestinians are expressing in responses that lead them to one option, and that is the resistance to the occupation of their land, getting rid of the last occupation in the world, and achieving freedom and independence.

The movement emphasized that the Israelis can put an end to the conflict by forcing the Israeli extremism and terror government to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories, which in its arrogance and bloodiness has caused the Palestinian people to feel that the prospect is closing on the peaceful and political solutions.

Al-Jaghoub said that the occupation prime minister helped sell the illusion of security to the Israelis, and he does not know how to do anything other than sell illusions to the Israeli society. It is illogical that the Israeli society and its secure lives will be dependent on placating a group of settlers who live by force of weapon on occupied Palestinian land, and the decision is in the hands of all of the Israelis, and they must say with full courage: ‘The time has come to end the occupation of Palestine.’
He concluded by saying: ‘The bullying state will not exist forever, and no occupation is without a price. The freedom of the Palestinian people and the establishment of its independent state are the only magic solution for ending the existing conflict and bringing security and peace.’”
[Ma’an, independent Palestinian news agency, Jan. 8, 2017]

Anyone who believes that Israel has a partner in peace is right! It’s the United States!

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