Police Increase Presence in Open Areas to Prevent Arson

The Police suspect that arson was the cause of some of the wildfires that spread across Israel these past few days.  Because of this, Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan and police commissioner Roni Alsheich have decided to ramp up police presence in open areas with the hope that it will deter future arson from taking place.

Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that there were signs of arson in some of the fires and the police have launched an investigation. Other fires seem to have been caused by negligence. Hundreds of people were evacuated from their houses as the fires approached their towns. The warm, dry and windy weather makes it difficult to put out fires and helps them spread very quickly.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “The weather produced the opportunity for the fire to spread. What was a small fire suddenly becomes a big one. We need to act on all fronts, so we are preparing multiple ways of dealing with this.”

In case a wildfire comes to your neighborhood (G-d forbid), listen carefully to the instructions of the police and firefighters. It can save your life.

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