It is common knowledge that a layer of air surrounds the Earth, held in place by planet’s gravity. However, in contrast with the general assumption that air has no weight, precisely the opposite is true: one cubic meter of air weighs about 2.7 pounds.
Therefore, if the atmosphere is about 366 miles high, the air pressure exerted upon each one of us is simply enormous. This is still true even if we take into account the thinner upper layers in the atmosphere, and merely measure the weight pressing down upon us from the lower layers.
Why are our fragile human bodies not crushed by that great weight? How can we live under these conditions? How can we sit, stand, lie down or even walk without feeling any of the pressure around us?
Clearly, “someone” has constructed our bodies with their own internal pressure, finely tuned to be in precise counter-balance to the pressure of the atmosphere. Thus, we can walk along the street completely relaxed, without feeling or knowing anything whatsoever about the “pressure wars” going on around us and within us.
Mere chance?
Furthermore if we look at the distance between our planet Earth and the Sun, we see a space of some 93 million miles – a relatively short distance in outer space terms.
It is frightening to think that if our planet were any closer to the sun, all humans, animals and plants would soon become burning splinters in a giant furnace. On the other hand, if we were any further away, we would all be ice cubes in a gigantic freezer.
In our current reality, with the distance between the Earth and the Sun exactly as it is, the Sun’s rays reach us with an intensity that does not burn. In fact, that level of intensity is vital for man, beast and all growing things – it is what makes our existence possible.