Religious Couple Wins Lotto. What Did They Do?

A Jerusalem Haredi couple with 6 children was surprised to find they won the lotto which was drawn after Shabbat at 10:55 pm. They explained that this was only the third time they ever filled out a lotto form to participate in the lottery. Their sole ambition was to hope to pay their last electric bill which was rather large. They received a 4,000 shekel bill because they used their electric heaters wanting to keep their home warm so their six children wouldn’t get sick.

“When we got the bill we didn’t know how we would pay it and we decided to fill out a lotto game and pray that we would win enough to pay the bill.”

They filled out a form that cost 11.60 shekel. The husband explained; “When we saw that we won we didn’t jump we just took out a book of psalms and gave thanks to the Creator”.

When asked what they will do with the money they answered: “they have a dream to visit the graves of the righteous and now they can do it with the children too. We will start with Rabbi Nachman’s grave.”

They also promised: “We will continue to live modestly as we did before winning the lotto. With G-d’s help we will move into an apartment more suitable for a family with six children and we will help support Torah Scholars.”

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