The Parsha (Chapter) of Teshuva (Repentance) is a good thing to say every day but this is even more true in Elul as we prepare for the new year by repenting our past sins and resolving to improve for the next year.
When all these things befall you—the blessing and the curse that I have set before you—and you take them to heart amidst the various nations to which the LORD your God has banished you,
And you will return to the LORD your God, and you and your children heed His command with all your heart and soul, just as I command you this day,
Then the LORD your God will facilitate your return and take you back in love. He will bring you together again from all the peoples where the LORD your God has scattered you.
Even if your outcasts are at the ends of the world, from there the LORD your God will gather you, from there He will fetch you.
And the LORD your God will bring you to the land that your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it; and He will make you more prosperous and more numerous than your fathers.
Then the LORD your God will open up your heart and the hearts of your offspring to love the LORD your God with all your heart and soul, in order that you may live.
The LORD your God will inflict all those curses upon the enemies and foes who persecuted you.
You will return and again heed the LORD and obey all His commandments that I enjoin upon you this day.
And the LORD your God will grant you abounding prosperity in all your undertakings, in the issue of your womb, the offspring of your cattle, and the produce of your soil. For the LORD will again delight in your well-being, as He did in that of your fathers,
Because you’ll be listening to the LORD your God and keeping His commandments and laws that are recorded in this book of the Teaching—once you return to the LORD your God with all your heart and soul.
After reading these verses this short prayer should be said:
May it be Your Will the Lord my G-d and G-d of my fathers, that you may dig a tunnel under the throne of Your glory to return in complete repentance all the careless sinners of your nation Israel, with them bring me back in complete repentance, for Your right arm is outstretched to accept those who return and You want teshuva. Amen Selah.