Saudi Arabia Warns Qatar, Assad’s Soldiers Killed in US Attack

Israel News:

Nikki Haley arrives in Israel and was received by Danny Danon in the airport. Danon said: “The citizens of Israel are glad to receive you in our land and thank you for standing strongly at our side.”

Fire in Jerusalem: A fire raged on Sheshet Haymim (Six Day war) St. and a few buildings were evacuated. Firefighters got the fire under control.

World News:

Saudi Arabia warns Qatar: “Qatar must stop funding the Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood”.        President Trump commented:  “I’m glad my visit in the gulf bore fruit.”

Were Russian hackers responsible for the Persian Gulf countries isolating Qatar? According to reports from the US Russian hackers got into Qatar’s news agency’s computers and planted fake statements of support for the Iranian regime and criticism for Trump and his policies. The FBI and CIA themselves won’t comment on this but the Qatar leader Sheikh Muhammad ben Abed a-Rahman el-T’ani says that indeed there were hackers who planted ‘fake news’ on their site.

Tensions in Syria mount as the US entered into battle against troops loyal to the Assad regime with tanks and artillery killing.

Terror in Iran: This morning (Wednesday) an armed man entered the Iranian Parliament in Teheran and started shooting at the security officers. 1 was killed and more were injured. A few minutes later 4 terrorists attacked the gravesite of Ayatollah Ruhullah Khomeni killing a security officer and wounding 4. Chances are, both attacks were planned together.

Theresa May declares: “If human rights laws prevent us from fighting terror we will need to change those laws.” If reelected in 2 days that is exactly what she will do.

Terror in Paris: A terrorist attacked a policeman in Paris with a hammer. During his investigation he admitted being sent by ISIS.
Canadian Terror attack aborted: A woman in Toronto threatened to stab people in a store shouting “Allah Akbar”. She was stopped by authorities.

Sears: FREE PALESTINE T-Shirts are available at They also have I love Israel shirts hoping to look evenhanded. 

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