Israel news:
An IDF soldier broke up a fight between taxi drivers in Jerusalem by shooting in the air because he believed it was a terrorist attack. The soldier and the taxi drivers were questioned by police.
The Yavneh Supersol stabbing victim woke up out of his coma today according to a statement from the hospital.
Jerusalem terror: a security vehicle driving through Silwan caught on fire from Molotov cocktails thrown at it. The vehicle was damaged but no one was injured.
A fire broke out in the Crown Plaza Hotel in Jerusalem and firefighters are presently putting it out.
A baby was injured from stones thrown at the bus he was on with his family. He was taken to the Shaarei Zedek Hospital for treatment. Arabs are throwing many stones at vehicles driving by in the Carmei Zur area in Gush Etzion.
World news:
At least 50 people were killed in a Shiite village in Afghanistan when a combined attack from ISIS and the Taliban hit the village. At least 30 village homes were set on fire.
Dozens of worshippers in a Nigerian church were killed when the church was attacked. Many more were wounded.
Hezbollah fired rockets at ISIS targets near the Syrian border and a few senior ISIS members were killed.