Something Fishy Going On

In a recent study conducted at the Gilberg Neuropsychiatry Centre a the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, researchers found that children who took Equazen (an omega-3 and omega-6 supplement) for a three-month period had a greater improvement in reading skills over those who didn’t. Improvements were significant in reading comprehension, phonologic decoding and visual analysis time.

“We need more parents, teachers, and health professionals to be aware of how important long-chain omega-3 from fish and seafood is,” said Dr. Alex Richardson. “While any fish makes a useful contribution, the ones that contain even more long-chain omega-3 per serving are the oily ones. If, however, children really can’t or won’t eat fish, then it makes sense to look for a supplement with long-chain omega-3.”

Dr. Emma Derbyshire, a registered public health nutritionist, added, “Reading is so important for the development of children’s cognitive skills. This latest clinical research is the first to demonstrate a link to improved performance on vocabulary tests and listening skills.”

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