Israel news:
3 Israelis killed in Har Adar terror shootout: 3 Israelis manning the security gate at the entrance of the town of Har Adar stopped a man who looked suspicious. The man took out his gun and shot them. He was killed in return fire. Hamas said “this is a new level in the intifada for Jerusalem whose inhabitants are Arab Muslims. The inhabitants will redeem it with their spirit and their blood.”
Police issuing fines to handicapped protesters that block traffic: As the battle for increase handicapped stipend continues the police are getting fed up with the traffic blocking of the handicapped protesters, which is exactly what they want. Police say they will enforce the law and the handicapped say they will continue to fight to live in dignity with a stipend that will help them live.
World news:
North Korea: “We’ll shoot down US planes even if they’re not in our airspace”: The rhetoric and tensions are heating up between Trump and Kim Jong-un. 2 days ago American bombers flew in the area east of North Korea as a sign they mean business. Kim Jong-un took that as a provocation along with Trump calling him “the little rocket man” in recent speeches and Kim’s foreign minister said America’s flying near them was already a declaration of war permitting them to shoot down US planes even if they don’t enter North Korean airspace.
Austrian tour bus saved by alert driver: A tour bus traveling from France to Austria was in the Tyrol region east of Innsbruck some 2,000 meters above sea level. The bus driver age 76 suddenly fainted and the bus started flying downhill and hitting obstacles along the way. A 65 year old tourist grabbed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes stopping the bus not a moment too soon as the front of the bus was already overhanging a 100 meter precipice. Austrian police praised the alert passenger that saved many lives by a hairs breadth.
Less Reform and Conservative Jews, more Orthodox Jews than before: According to the Pew report and a survey from PRRI (Public Religion Research Institute), reform and conservative Jewry is rapidly shrinking whereas Orthodox Jewry is on the rise. Reform Jewry was 35% of all Jews 4 years ago and now they are only 28%. Conservatives are down to 14% from 18% 4 years ago. Elderly orthodox are only 3% whereas young orthodox from 18-29 years old is 15%. Younger than this, the percentage is even greater. Reform and conservatives largest demographic are the seniors age 65 and up. Reform seniors are 35% of their members and conservatives seniors are 20%.