Israel news:
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s 4th Yohrzeit (Hilula) tonight will have special memorial services at the Sanhedria cemetery in Jerusalem. In addition, at midnight there will be a special ceremony at Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s grave with Rabbis attending including Rabbi Zamir Cohen. There will be lectures in his honor by his sons Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef and Rabbi David Yosef and other leading Rabbis. Police recommend using public transportation to get there and avoid congestion.
The IDF spokesman said that 4 rockets were launched into Israel on Shabbat and claims they are spillover of the battles Syria is waging with insurgents and rebels. Other IDF senior staff in the know claim that the timing and placement of the launches show they were done purposefully. This is the 3rd incident in a week of Syria shooting at Israel or its targets. The first was when they shot an anti-aircraft shell at an IDF plane earlier in the week. Then on Thursday they shot a rocket into the Israeli Golan heights. Shabbat was the 3rd time. Each time Israel responded with taking out Syrian positions.
67 Arab thieves were caught by the border police stealing tons of grapes and tomatoes from Moshav Shekef in the Lachish region. They attempted to take up to 24 tons of grapes and 7 tons of tomatoes when they were caught in the middle of the night red-handed by the border police. 27 were arrested, and all the vehicles used for the attempted theft were impounded.
Proposal to rescind ‘Disengagement Law’ is being discussed in a special committee of ministers and the legislation proposed by MK Shuli Muelem of the Israel Home Party and the coalition head David Bittan of the Likud. If passed, Jews can repossess the homes they were forcefully removed from in the unilateral disengagement 12 years ago which proved to be no more than a reward to terror and increased the Arab appetite for more violence instead of leading closer to peace.
New 5 year terror low… ‘Only’ 103 attacks were perpetrated against Israelis in September. Normally September is a high risk month for terror as Jews celebrate their holidays increasing Arab motivation to terror. The security establishment also was proactive and made raids arresting terrorists during this time including the closure of 8 broadcasting stations which spread incitement to terror. We must remember that ‘only 103 attacks’ is really 103 more than there should have been.
PA places a statue honoring Saddam Hussein in Kalkiliya Square with a caption: “The master of all martyrs. Palestine from the sea to the river”.
Yaron Blum who negotiated the ‘Shalit deal’ became the prime ministers new negotiator to retrieve those kidnapped by the Hamas. Many feel this is a bad move which shows Israel is ready to cave in and free thousands of terrorists and murderers to get back those kidnapped. This will encourage more kidnappings and the terrorists who were freed have vowed to continue to kill Jews and many in fact have, so there is something fundamentally wrong with this whole approach.
World news:
EU slaps 2.42 billion euro fine on Google for anti-trust law violations when they promote their own products over those of competitors. Google said it was being fair providing people with the information they need and they respectfully disagree with the conclusions of the EU.
Catalonia accuses Spain of Spanish oppression: The Spanish prime minister announced will declare a state of emergency. This will enable him to continue to oppress Catalonia. The president of Catalonia said this is the most serious attack on our land since the rule of Franco.
EU insolence: Israel must pay the EU for destroying the buildings the EU built illegally on area C land which is under full Israeli control. No less than 8 EU countries wrote a letter demanding over 30,000 euro to compensate for Israel demolishing structures the EU had the audacity to build illegally through European NGOs in contravention of international law. Unfortunately instead of arresting these construction crews from day one and confiscating the equipment and material Israel allows countless violations of its sovereignty. The buildings knocked down are a mere drop in the bucket of what really was built illegally with classical European insolence ignoring any Israeli sovereignty.