World News:
43,000 people sought shelter in Texas from the Red Cross from the dangers of Tropical Storm Harvey. Cooperation between authorities has grown after learning lessons from previous disasters like Hurricane Katrina.
US simulated a North Korean strike including a bombing drill by B1 bombers practicing striking key positions in North Korea with great precision. These drills took place yesterday (Thursday) as joint US South Korea military exercises continue.
Russian President Putin is not pleased with these military exercises and he cautioned the United States to lower the pressure on North Korea’s nuclear program. Putin believes that the US and North Korea are about to start a large scale conflict. Unlike Trump, Putin believes that dialogue is the answer.
In the Mid-Atlantic Ocean, Southeast of the Caribbean Islands, Hurricane Irma is growing in size and strength and on Thursday became a Category 3 storm with strong sustained winds of 115 mph and is considered potentially extremely dangerous. It may take up to a week till it hits the US but it may cause a lot of damage when it does. It is not clear if the hurricane will go straight west into the Gulf of Mexico or veer north up the Southeastern coast of the US. By early next week it is expected to intensify to category 4 and may even reach category 5 at the end of the week.
FBI Director Comey had already drafted his exoneration of Hillary Clinton way before finishing up his investigation. Last night Trump twitted words similar to these words adding that ‘it’s a rigged system’. Comey obviously denies this. Senator Graham found evidence that Comey was already circulating drafts of an exoneration speech in April 2016, 3 months before he actually delivered his speech at the end of June. Perhaps the swamp at the FBI has to be drained and dried out as they repeatedly prevented Hillary Clinton’s Emails from being made available to investigators and senate committees. Now Judges are backing the release of these Emails.