Terrorist Attempted to Enter Machpela Cave with a Knife in His Sock

Israel news:

Terrorist Attempted to Enter Machpela Cave with a Knife in His Sock: A metal detector went off with warning sounds as the terrorist attempted going into the Machpela Caves and he was stopped by security.

Near accident in parachute military exercise: A ministry of transportation report discusses the near accident that took place in the south when soldiers jumped out of a plane and a different plane flew under them after poor communication with the control tower.  The results would have been fatal if indeed the plane would have collided with the soldiers in midair.

The ‘Women’s Coalition for Peace’ wants to have an event at a Beer Sheba public hall titled: “The Military industry and its involvement in wrongdoings around the world is itself a wrongdoing”. Clearly these women’s idea of peace is to subvert the efforts of the IDF and other security bodies in Israel. In light of this MK Nava Boker of the Likud Party asked the Beer Sheba municipality to cancel the event and not allow this group to use a city structure for anti -Israeli and anti- Zionist activities which will cause damage to Israel and Beer Sheba. This activity will only contribute to the deligitimization of Israel.

World news:

Kiryat Yoel is now the first Haredi city in America: Up to now it was a neighborhood in the city of Monroe but a vote yesterday made it able to incorporate into being its own independent city, making it the first Haredi city in the US.

Trump in South Korea: In his speech there Trump said “we look forward to the time when all Koreans will be free” referring to the oppressive North Korea regime which threatens world peace.

Kerry in a speech in Dubai has only good to say of the PA and only bad to say of Israel: Believe it or not he actually said that “the Palestinians have done an extraordinary job of remaining committed to nonviolence”. Where this nonviolence is still needs to be discovered. Kerry also predicts that “some young Palestinian leader will say 'We've tried nonviolence for the last 30 years and it hasn't gotten us anything.'”

As for Israel, he said that Israel is ignoring civil rights movements: “Israel is ignoring this today. That's not leadership.” He also said that “the current Israeli cabinet has publicly declared they are not for a Palestinian state.”

When you love someone they can do no wrong and when you hate someone they can do no right.

Former Security Minister Ya’alon tweeted that: ‘Blaming the Israelis for torpedoing the process though Abbas never even entered negotiations and slammed the door in Kerry and Obama’s face is a damaging distortion of facts.’ But as we said before, Abbas can do no wrong and Israel can do no right! We can’t tell Kerry who to be friends with. It’s just unfortunate that his words cause harm to Israel in international forums.

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