Terrorists at Lions Gate Shoot Policemen, Killing 2

On Friday morning three Arab “worshipers” carried out a terror attack at the Lion’s Gate when they came out of the Temple Mount. They killed two policemen and injured a third one.

After finishing their prayers three terrorists left the Temple Mount and walked towards the Old City's Lions Gate. They were armed looked for police officers or soldiers to attack. When they saw police officers near the Lion’s Gate they opened fire and then fled back into the Temple Mount mosques.
Police pursued the terrorists and killed them in a gunfight. One ‘neutralized’ terrorist tried getting up to shoot the policemen and luckily was spotted and shot dead on the spot. On their bodies a rifle and two pistols were found. The Temple Mount was closed and worshippers were evacuated by orders of the Jerusalem District Command. They are investigating the attack and searching for more terrorists that may be hiding and more weapons stored on the Temple mount.

The PA characteristically condemned Israel for shooting the murderers and closing the Temple mount to worshippers that use religion to carry out their terror.

“We condemn the steps of terror Israel took after today’s Jerusalem terror attack … it’s a terrorist decision to prevent Muslims from praying and to close the Al-Aqsa mosque.”

Of course comments like these will be ignored by the free world and Israel will be blamed for making the poor Palestinians resort to terror.

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