The Army Prosecutor Will Probably Appeal Alor Azarya’s Light Sentence

Israel news:

Home Command practice Drill: The Home Command will carry out a few practice drills this week around the country.

Auto Collision: 12 people were lightly wounded in an auto collision between Kibbutz Yagur and Rechasim in Northern Israel.

Security news:

Two Palestinians were stopped being suspected of attempting a stabbing terror attack at Tapuach Junction. On had a knife concealed on his body.

Arab media claims there are many Israeli planes flying over Gaza.

Prediction: Army prosecutor will probably appeal the light sentence Elor Azarya received to make it more severe.

The King of Jordan stated that it’s of historic importance to maintain Jerusalem’s status quo  and not harm it.

U.S. news

The Governor of N.Y. declared the first Sunday of June Shimon Peres day in which students will learn of his personality and heritage.

Israel weather: Monday pleasant, with additional rise in temperature. Tuesday will have a slight drop in temperature, clear to partly cloudy. Wednesday clear to partly cloudy with rise in temperatures. Thursday will be hot and dry with dry desert winds.

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