The Grass is Greener on the Other Side

Rabbi Shamai Ginzburg told the following story to his grandchildren:

“When I was a child in Poland rice was the new commodity that came to Poland. People who until then traditionally used potatoes for their cooking were happy to use rice quite often; almost every day.

I didn’t like this food but since we were raised not to be spoiled we had to any food my mother served. If I’d say I don’t like this food, it would be served to me daily for the next month straight so I kept my opinion to myself. Once, my mother needed to travel to Warsaw to take care of her mother. Before leaving she asked the neighbor to serve us lunch every day until she came back.

Coming back from Talmud Torah that first day what did the neighbor serve for lunch? Rice! I decided to try it and lo and behold, it was delicious! I ate every last grain of it!

In all the days of my mother’s absence I ate rice with gusto. My mother came back and asked me; “What happened that you decided you like rice?” I said; “You should ask the neighbor how she makes it; it was really good!

My mother responded: “My precious son, I have news for you! Before I left for Warsaw I cooked up enough rice to serve you for the entire time I was gone and that is what she served you.

I was mortified! I had no idea that I was eating rice my own mother prepared…

The grass is greener on the other side… or is it?

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