The IDF Attacked in Gaza

After a rocket was fired at the Ashkelon Coast Council area on Monday morning, the IDF attacked a series of Hamas positions in Gaza. Initially these attacks concentrated on Northern Gaza in response to the rocket. But the IDF detected shooting at it from Southern Gaza so they responded by attacking targets east of Dir al Balach which was attacked with a tank, and targets in Al Ma’azi at noontime. Later in the early evening, the IDF attacked targets east of Gaza.

Prime Minister Netanyahu who is in London for these few days mentioned the attack and said: “I gave clear instructions that we retaliate every time we’re fired upon and indeed it was a strong response. This is my policy these past two years. There’s no such thing that we should be fired upon and not return fire. We don’t absorb small attacks and move on.”

The Islamic Jihad responded: “The position of the opposing organizations will be established in the next few hours.”

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