On the 78th anniversary of Krystalnacht, the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra presented a repertoire of classic Jewish songs sung by the chazonim Nesanel Hershtik (from the U.S.) and Avreimi Kirshenbaum (Israel). The guest conductor was Maestro Daniel Grossman.
The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra hall is considered one of the best because of its sharp acoustics. It was planned by Nazi party member Herbert von Karajan, one of the leading conductors in the twentieth century, who was called a musical “wonder” by Josef Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda.
Chazon Hershtik commented about his performance, “‘When Hashem brought back the remnant of Zion we were as dreamers…‘ For the first chazonish concert to appear during the week of Krystalnacht in the Berlin Philharmonic hall which was planned and built by a member of the Nazi party — there are no words to describe the great victory of Judaism which has outlived all the pogroms, inquisitions, persecutions and hatred.”
Among the pieces sung was Shir Hamaalos composed by Yosele Rosenblatt, Am Yisroel Chai by Moishe Asher, and S’oo Shearim by Meir Finkelstein.