Israel news:
“There’s only death in the tunnel” says the PA administrator to Gazan residents after another Hamas man died in the tunnels in the Jebalia region of Gaza. “Stay away from the tunnels you’ll only find death.”
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman is considering destroying the homes of terrorists who injure Israelis. Until now only those terrorists who killed Israelis would have their homes destroyed. But to increase deterrence even terrorists who cause injury may find their homes destroyed too. Avigdor Lieberman left this proposal to the legal advisor of his ministry to investigate its legal viability.
A blood transfusion with clotting factor was administered to a fetus for the first time in the Sheba Medical Center. A fetus was diagnosed with hemophilia in addition, the mother developed antibodies that were wiping out the red blood cells of the fetus. This revolutionary transfusion saved the life of the fetus who was born healthy.
ISIS is the likely perpetrator of Friday’s attempted car bomb attack of a Hamas senior security officer who miraculously was only injured when leaving the mosque and entering his car. Hamas head Ismael Haniya blames Israel for the attack but it was more likely ISIS or an organization identified with them that actually carried it out.
World News:
100 researchers are on their way to Turkey searching for Noah’s Ark. In the past there claims of wooden remains found on Ararat Mountain but to date there hasn’t been a confirmed archeological find.
Spain deposes Catalonian president and rescinds their autonomy: The Catalonian president says: “We will oppose with democratic means Spain’s attempt to control us.” The local police chief was fired and police were instructed not to take part in the conflict.