Thousands at Wedding of Bride Previously Wounded in the “Bus 402 Tragedy”

No eye stayed dry.

Almost a year after she was seriously wounded in a collision of the Bus 402 on Highway One last year, Sarah Sperling  got married to Kobi Kastelnitz.

The wedding was originally postponed because of the collision which occurred three weeks before the wedding was to have taken place. Sari, the bride was on her way to Bnei Brak with her younger sister to make some last arrangements and purchases for the wedding when the collision took place. The bus driver failed to see a truck parked on the side of the road and collided with it.a crane on the truck fell on the bus and caused great harm. As a result 10 people were injured and 6 were killed, Yaakov Cheshin (27),Chana Frankel,  Aharon Mordechai Cohen (18), Leah Malamud (61), Yisrael Weinberg(26) and Levi Yitzchak Amdadi(17).

this week's torah portion
Sperling was seriously injured and was hospitalized with an induced coma and breathing machine. Around the world people prayed for the recovery of Sarah Bat Dina with the rest of those ailing in Am Yisrael. 
After many operations, a long recovery and rehabilitation which the bride dealt with valiantly, the young couple got married in the Jerusalem Convention Center- “Binyanei Hauma”.
Kobi Kastelnitz , the groom was also injured in a car crash on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz (July 7th) when he was on his way to Tel Hashomer Hospital to visit Sari. Kobi was admitted to the hospital partially conscious and a  head injury was suspected. With Hashem’s great mercy he recovered a few hours later and went home that same day.
We are asked to continue praying for the bride, Sarah Bat Dina for a total recovery.


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