Teva Workers Continue their Strike: Teva workers will continue a full strike in corporate headquarters in Petach Tikva and in factories in Ashdod and Netanya. Workers who sealed themselves into the Jerusalem factories are also striking. In Kfar Saba 250 workers will stop from noontime for 4 hours. In Kiryat Shemona, Netanya and Ramat Chovev workers will gather near the factories for public relations rallies.
6 Gaza targets in a terror training camp were hit by the Israeli Air Force in retaliation for rockets shot into southern Israeli towns. Miraculously there were no Israeli casualties from these missiles.
Danger rabies: In Nahalal in the Jezreel Valley a calf in a barn was found to have rabies. This year 65 cases of rabies were found in Northern Israel 4 just this past month.
World news:
Arab media is upset by senior Saudi who spoke on behalf of Israel: Abed Alhamid Hakim the head of the Saudi Foundation for Middle East Research in Jeddah said to an American network: “Muslims should disconnect from the ancient heritage and recognize that Jerusalem is also holy to Jews. The state of Israel is a result of the historical right of Jews in the region”.
Incumbent Juan Orlando Hernandez wins election in Honduras against Salvador Nasrallah who is trying to cry foul saying “it is clear that there was some fraud before, during and after the vote”.
Putin thanks Trump for CIA intelligence that prevented a terrorist attack from taking place in a church n St. Petersburg. The Russian Interfax News Agency reported that terrorists planned an attack on the Kaczynski Church in St. Petersburg and thanks to information from CIA intelligence the attack was thwarted.