Tunnel Boring Machines to Dig Tel Aviv Light Rail Subway

The Red Line of the Tel Aviv Light Rail took a large step forward when Israel imported 4 Tunnel Boring Machines to dig the underground sections. The Red Line will connect the cities of Tel Aviv, Bat Yam, Bnei Brak, Petah Tikva, and Ramat Gan, and is expected to be fully completed by 2021. Thousands of Israeli and foreign workers have been working on the line for months.

At 300 feet long, 800 tons, and 22.5 feet wide, a Tunnel Boring Machine is able to not only dig 75 feet of tunnel a day 90 feet under the surface, but also lay down the concrete to reinforce and build the tunnel. Twenty-five people are needed to work it, and it has everything from bathrooms, a dining room, and an observation deck.

Transport Minister Yisrael Katz said “By the end of the project, the light rail is expected to serve 70,000 people – something which will enable people to drive less in private vehicles, and use more public transportation.”

The ministry is already planning to begin another 2 light rail lines in 2018: the 26-mile Green Line between Herzliya and Rishon LeZion, and the 11-mile Purple Line between Tel Aviv and the Tel HaShomer area, which will pass through Sheba Medical Center, Bar Ilan University, and finally ending in Kiryat Ono and Or Yehuda.

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