Saeb Erekat, chief negotiator of the Palestine Liberation Organizatino (PLO), called Israel to task for passing a preliminary reading of the “Regulation Law” which will legalize settlement in Judea and Samaria. Erekat called for legal action against Israel for encouraging the building of settlements in Judea and Samaria. “All Israeli settlements are illegal and are considered war crimes in international law,” Erekat said speaking on Voice of Palestine radio.
Erekat continued by noting that he was invited by France to participate in its international peace conference at the end of the month. This is part of France’s “peace initiative” to force peace in the region. Israel rejects the initiative as Israel wants direct negotiations with the PA; however, the PA refuses that option, preferring to enlist international pressure to get what they want.
Erekat said that over 70 countries will attend and he wants the conference to deal with the Israeli occupation and provide a timetable to end it. “Israel does not respect international laws and its obligations. We expect that France, as part of its war on terrorism, will also fight against the Israeli occupation and [will fight] for a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders with its capital in eastern Jerusalem,” said Erekat.
Erekat continued his tirade saying that US Secretary of State John Kerry recently spoke against the settlements this week at the Saban Forum calling them an obstacle to peace. “So I ask Kerry, 'How can Israel talk about two states when it steals Palestinian land daily?' The international community and the UN Security Council must act against Israel and investigate its crimes to be prosecuted in the International Court. We will provide evidence.”