Watch: Policewoman Converts to Judaism, Bursts into Tears


I accept upon myself…

-to keep and fulfill…
to keep and  fulfill…

-all the commandments of the Torah…
all the commandments of the Torah…

and all the commandments of the sages…
-and all the commandments of the sages…

and the good customs of the people of Israel.
-and the good customs of the people of Israel.

And I believe in Hashem (G-d)…
-I believe in Hashem, and He is One…

Place your hand on your eyes, and say the prayer: Sh'ma Yisrael…
-Sh'ma Yisrael Hashem Elohkeinu Hashem Eḥad” [Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One].

Baruch shem kevod malchuto l'olam va'ed [May His name be blessed forever and ever].
Mazal tov! [Congratulations[.

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