“We Love Children; the More, the Merrier!”

When Chloe Dunstan of Perth, Australia found out she was having triplets, she was already a young mother of 3 babies, ages 3, 2 and 1. Despite the danger the doctors warned that her pregnancy entailed, Chloe was not ready to forego and give up any of the little lives growing inside her. “We’re a family that loves children; the more, the merrier!”

The doctors forced her to give birth early because of her high risk pregnancy or to face losing her daughter because she was not getting sufficient oxygen. The doctors told me that I should be happy with 2 healthy children, but I wasn’t prepared to give up on any of them. I spoke with my husband and we decided to risk the premature birth of all 3 together so they would all live together.”

This decision paid off as the Dunstan’s merited 3 healthy babies. “My advice to mothers hesitant about this is to listen to your heart. Not everything the doctors say should be considered ‘holy and inviolate’ and there are situations where you must make a decision with the faith that it will all turn out alright,” says Chloe.

Here are some pictures so you can share in their happiness: 
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