“Refrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for there is reward for your work… and the children shall return to their own border.”
This Thursday, November 10th, on the eve of Rachel Imeinu’s yahrtzeit (9:00 PM Israel time), Hidabrut will be presenting a special, live broadcast filled with stories and miracles, presentations and speeches, all about Mama Rachel.
Featuring a unique livestream, broadcasting directly from Kever Rachel at a time of special Divine favor.
The apex of this extraordinary event? A simultaneous, worldwide prayer capable of bringing about salvation in our lives, led by Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi.
Featuring Rabbi Zamir Cohen, Rabbi Shalom Arush, Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger, Rabbi Yigal Cohen, Rabbi Emmanuel Mizrachi (and more), as well as Rabbanit Chedvah Levi.
The live broadcast will take place, G-d willing, this Thursday – 9 Cheshvan / November 10 – beginning at 9:00 PM, Israel time.
To watch the livestream, visit http://www.hidabroot.com/br/live